Week twenty-three brings us the letter W, which in this instance looks like it belongs in a heavy metal band, such as GWAR. Or an 80s hair metal band, such …
Week twenty-two brings us the letter V. Fans of Sir Winston Churchill will tell you that V is for Victory. Fans of Alan Moore would argue that V is for …
Week twenty-one, and the arrival of the letter U, the vowel most famous for being used as an abbreviation for universities everywhere. For the curious, this weeks color palette reflects …
We’re in the home stretch now, as week twenty brings us the letter T, which appears 12 times in this sentence. If I had spelled out twelve, it would have …
Week nineteen brings the arrival of the letter S. In addition to being a great letter for making nouns plural, it’s also incredibly useful in words like Strong, Serious, and …
Week eighteen, and we’ve arrived at the letter R, looking particularly refulgent (which, for the record, is an enormously fun word to say aloud. Seriously, you should try it.) A …
Week sixteen, and over halfway through our tour of the alphabet (or at least the upper-case letters). We come now to the letter P, which is a great letter for …
Fifteen weeks in, and what have we here? Is it a circle? A zero? Nope! It’s the letter O! A PDF version of this week’s letter can be found here. View …
Week fourteen, and the letter N. Turn it sideways, and you’ve got the letter Z. Or a very stylized number 2. Neat! A PDF version of this week’s letter can …